Rendez-vous de l’été des Managers de projets et Agilistes.

Bonjour à toutes et tous, voici vos rendez-vous de l’été en présentiel comme à distance sur les sujets du management de projets, de l’agilité et des soft skills.

Inscrivez-vous à ceux qui vous paraissent les plus adaptés à votre métier, vos passions et vos centres d’intérêt. Faites preuve de curiosité car un feu d’artifice de sujets variés sont à découvrir : Intelligence Artificielle, la diversité, les PMOs, l’agilité…

Lundi 1 – PMI France Cote d’Azur: After-Work Cocktail

Le PMI Cote d’Azur vous propose de terminer l’année sous une note festive en vous invitant à un « After Work Cocktail » composé d’un temps de networking et  de convivialité, le 1er Juillet 2024 à 18h30, au Roof top de Bistro & Co. Cette soirée sera une nouvelle occasion pour vous de networker avec vos pairs, de partager vos bonnes pratiques et d’apprendre des autres sur les domaines de la gestion de projet et sur l’évolution du métier de chef de projet

Lundi 1 – APMG – Building the perfect project team in 2024

In 2024, building the perfect project team involves a mix of traditional strategies and innovative approaches to adapt to the evolving workplace dynamics. By prioritizing diversity, collaboration, emotional intelligence, agility, learning, clarity, feedback, and adaptability, you can build a high-performing project team capable of delivering outstanding results. Discover how to leverage diverse skill sets, remote collaboration tools, and agile methodologies for success. Join us at our upcoming event to learn more about how to optimize your team performance in today’s dynamic work environment!

Lefebvre Dalloz Compétences est partenaire de DantotsuPM, visitez leur site pour découvrir leurs offres de formation.

Mardi 2 – PMI France Atlantique – La conduite du changement, comment la déployer concrètement dans vos entreprises ?

Tout le monde parle de conduite du changement. Mais en quoi cela consiste vraiment ? Et comment la déployer durablement ?Est-ce qu’il y a des clés spécifiques de réussite ? Quels leviers pour créer l’acceptation ? Et comment développer concrètement ses propres compétences ?

C’est à l’ensemble de ces questions que l’équipe de l’Association des Directeurs de Projets va tenter de répondre.

Mardi 2 – PMI France Ile de France – Découverte du chapitre PMI France et Ile de France

Vous avez adhéré en  2023 au Chapitre PMI France, et nous vous en remerçions.

Pour profiter pleinement de votre adhésion, nous vous invitons à participer à notre prochain webinaire : ‘Découverte Chapitre‘ afin de prendre connaissance de ce qui peut vous être proposé. Ce webinaire sera animé par des volontaires engagés, désireux de vous éclairer et d’apporter des réponses à vos interrogations.

Nous vous attendons le mardi 2 juillet 18h à 19h00 (webinaire ouvert à partir de 17h50)

Mardi 2 – PMI France Orléans – Afterwork

Cet afterwork sera une nouvelle occasion pour vous de networker avec vos pairs, de partager vos bonnes pratiques et d’apprendre des autres sur les domaines de la gestion de projet et sur l’évolution du métier de chef de projet.

Que retenons-nous des actualités du PMI ce premier semestre ? Que pouvons-nous organiser au deuxième semestre pour le pôle et le monde ?

Mardi 2 – PMI Switzerland – Driving Project Success with Artificial Intelligence (Session 1)

Vendredi 5 – APMG – How to become a Change Manager in 2024

Becoming a Change Manager in 2024 requires a combination of education, skills development, and practical experience. Join us to learn how to become an efficient Change Manager! Discover the essential steps, skills, and certifications needed to excel in the field. Gain insights from industry experts, ask our professionals all your questions, and take the first step toward shaping the future of organizational change.

Lundi 8 – APMG – Your must have project management templates in 2024

In 2024, effective project management relies on utilizing the right templates to streamline processes and ensure project success. By leveraging the essential project management templates, teams can improve collaboration, and increase the likelihood of project success in 2024. Learn about the must have project management templates for efficient processes, enhance collaboration, and ensure project success. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your project management skills and drive results!

Mardi 9 – PMI Switzerland – Driving Project Success with Artificial Intelligence (Session 2)

Join fellow project professionals for an evening of valuable insights, networking and deep dives into the ever-growing realm of leveraging generative artificial intelligence (GenAI). With facilitation from our team of experts, Joachim Dehais and Adi Muslic, discover how you can effectively harness the power of AI to enhance project delivery.

You’ve not escaped the A.I. hype, who could? Now come and see the real deal. Join us for an evening exchange on discovering AND practicing real Generative AI on real cases you can bring back to your work. With our facilitators, you will come out with a clear picture of the landscape and enough experience to use it the next day.

Mardi 9 – Scrum . Org – Moving to an Agile Product Operating Model – Evidence Based Approach to Delivering Products in the Digital Age

In this Scrum Pulse webcast, Dave West, CEO of, will introduce the Agile Product Operating Model and how it can help organizations reduce uncertainty, minimize risk, and increase the likelihood of delivering successful products centered around customer needs.

Jeudi 11 –PMI UK – Women’s Project Management Network: 5 Strategies to Grow YOUR Career.

In the next of our quarterly Women in Project Management webinars, we will focus on career building skills.  This interactive webinar will have speakers to present ideas and use polls and discussion to  assess and learn from each other how we are each creating a path forward for success.  Please register  today and and prepare your thoughts, ideas and experiences to help you  build your network and plan for what’s next.  We will cover the following topics:

  1. How successful people focus
  2. Why it is important to create a career trajectory
  3. What skills you should build for your next job or role
  4. How to negotiate for what you want
  5. Why you should have career earnings goals

Vendredi 12 – APMG – How to build a strong business case in 2024

Get to know how to build a strong business case that effectively communicates the value of your proposal and secures support from key stakeholders. Join us for an educative panel discussion on crafting winning business cases in 2024! Learn to identify key market trends, articulate compelling value propositions, and conduct effective financial analyses. Discover strategies for mitigating risks, aligning proposals with strategic goals, and engaging stakeholders effectively. Leave with techniques to build persuasive business cases that drive organizational success.

Partenaire de DantotsuPM, visitez le site pour toutes les formations certifiantes proposées. En particuliers celles sur Prince2.

Lundi 15 – APMG – How to become a Chartered Project Manager in 2024

Unlock the pathway to becoming a Chartered Project Manager in 2024! Join our Level Up session, where industry experts will guide you on the steps to achieve your Chartered Project Manager role. Learn about the education, certification, and experience requirements, along with practical tips for success. Gain insights into the latest industry trends and best practices in Chartered project management. Accelerate your career and elevate your expertise with this event.

Jeudi 18 – PPI Belgium – Repenser le management de projet pour un avenir durable

Comment tracer un chemin durable dans ce monde de plus en plus incertain? Les projets sont à la croisée de nos objectifs et de nos actions. Ils constituent le plus sûr chemin entre ce présent agité et l’impact durable que nous souhaitons avoir pour nous-mêmes et nos organisations. Le management de projet sait se réinventer et c’est là que le miracle intervient !

La dimension humaine des projets est essentielle. Ils donnent aussi du sens à nos vies. Ce livre vous donne les éléments fondamentaux pour penser autrement, élargir la perspective du management de projet et vous dévoile les clés pour résoudre cette « équation impossible » !

Vendredi 19 – APMG – How to become an earned value professional in 2024

Discover the essential techniques and strategies to master Earned Value Management (EVM) and take your career in project management forward. Join our industry experts as they delve into advanced concepts, practical applications, and real-world scenarios. From understanding EVM fundamentals to navigating complex project environments, this event will help you equip with the skills and insights needed to excel as an EVP. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn and advance your expertise as an Earned Value Professional.

Lundi 22 – Vendredi 26 – Agile Alliance Dallas and ManchesterAgile2024, the premier event of the year!

Agile Alliance’s annual conference is dedicated to exploring, innovating, and advancing Agile values and principles, and creating a space for people and ideas to flourish. Agile2024 will bring the Agile communities together near Dallas in Texas on July 22nd-26th to share experiences and make new connections. Join passionate Agilists from around the world to learn about the latest practices, ideas, and strategies in Agile software development and Business Agility from the world’s leading experts, change agents, and innovators.

Vendredi 26 – Agile Alliance – Agile Coaching Network

Do you need help with your Agile adoption? Or want to share what worked or didn’t as you were working with Agile in your own company? If so, Agile Alliance invites you to participate in the Agile Coaching Network (ACN). Hosted by Ray Arell, the ACN is a monthly live webcast and podcast that enables you to learn and share with other Agile practitioners. The ACN is open to everyone and is made possible in part by your Agile Alliance membership – thank you!

Si vous êtes membre du PMI, voici une sélection de wébinaires du mois de Juillet qui pourraient vous intéresser

“PMI,” the PMI logo, “PMP” and “Project Management Institute” are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc.

Partenaire de DantotsuPM, CERTyou est le spécialiste des formations certifiantes


Mercredi 7 – Scrum . Org – Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer – Product Ownership and Discovering Value with Sam Falco

In this live session of Ask a PST, Sam Falco will be available to answer questions about Product Ownership, determining value, how to think about value in the Product Backlog and more!

Vendredi 23 – Agile Alliance – Agile Coaching Network

Do you need help with your Agile adoption? Or want to share what worked or didn’t as you were working with Agile in your own company? If so, Agile Alliance invites you to participate in the Agile Coaching Network (ACN). Hosted by Ray Arell, the ACN is a monthly live webcast and podcast that enables you to learn and share with other Agile practitioners. The ACN is open to everyone and is made possible in part by your Agile Alliance membership – thank you!

Et si vous êtes membre du PMI, voici une sélection de wébinaires du mois d’Août qui pourraient vous intéresser

“PMI,” the PMI logo, “PMP” and “Project Management Institute” are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc.

CertYou est partenaire de DantotsuPM, allez voir les certifications AgilePM

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